Magic is Everywhere
Welcome to the portal of The Goddess and The God. Our group experiences the pagan, 'Old Religion' of seasonal cycles, the wild side of nature and the mysteries of life and death. Leaping the hedges and crossing the boundaries gives us access to the unusual side of life.
Who Are We?
We are a modern, traditional coven that has been in Folkestone since 1987 and in Essex for many years before that. It has been speculated that we originated in Northumbria around the turn of the century. Up until the repeal of The Witchcraft Act 1954, nothing was written down by coven members and the tradition was an oral one whereby teachings were handed down to successive generations.
We honour The Divine Creator/The Force/The Energy (call it what you may) through the polarity of The Goddess and The God who both have many different aspects or faces. To better understand this concept, these aspects are personalised into many goddesses and gods and are given names such as Brigid, Ceridwen, Lugh and Bel etc. We actually work with the pre-christian, celtic goddesses and gods and we include some of them at the eight, ancient festivals/sabbats that we celebrate.
In between each of the sabbat celebrations, we hold an esbat (teaching meeting). Subjects are studied such as healing, herbs, crystals, magic, visualisation, meditation, divination, dowsing, energy work and the history of witchcraft. We meet on a Saturday night.
We also have one or two field trips during the year when we may visit a pagan site or study the herbs in an area of the countryside. Look up yonder hill, Sugarloaf is a favourite, or go down into the greenwood where you may just find the coven identifying various herbs to discover their medicinal properties.
We are an initiatory group that has five degrees of initiation through the four elements of Earth, Water, Air, Fire and Spirit. Initiation is a brief but intense experience and once the ceremony is ended, a green robe is wrapped around the initiate (symbolising nature) and also a brown belt (symbolising the earth element).
Witches are returning to the womb of 'The Old Religion' and dancing the dance of the magic circle - the circle of infinity, the sacred space, the doorway to another dimension. The way of the witch is here and in your midst. Think what you may, we are here to stay!
The Sabbats - Our Celebrations
The Wheel of the Year.
As The Wheel turns through Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn, we connect with The Earth, The Sky, The Ancestors, The Goddess and The God. We feel the different energies at play during each season and each encounter with deity.
Everything born from the womb of The Great Earth Goddess, grows and matures to the peak of its potential. This rise must steadily and surely give way to old age and the return journey to the womb of The Earth Goddess. However, from death comes life, as the cycle of nature informs, and rebirth forms the next step of The Cycle of Life Continuum.
Samhain - 31st October/1st November
This fire festival is the beginning of both the old, Celtic Winter and the end of Summer. This was also the Celtic New Year. It is a time of death as the cattle were bought in, from the fields, to be slaughtered for the Winter's food and the plants and trees etc. decay. Thus, the veils between the living and the dead are seen as being very thin. Samhain is a good time for honouring the ancestors.
The Winter Solstice - 20th/21st/23rd December
This is the longest night of the year but out of this darkness comes light for not only is The God reborn but the sun also starts to gain in power from now on. The promise of more light and warmth, gives hope of renewed growth and life.
Imbolg - 1st February
The Earth quickens at this time of the year and life stirs after its long Winter's sleep. This fire festival is dedicated to The Goddess Brigid, a goddess of light and also a triple goddess of poetry, smith-craft and healing.
The Spring Equinox - 20th to 23rd March
This is a time when the chains of Winter have been broken and life bursts forth upon The Earth. The Goddess awakes, from her Winter slumber, to bring us Spring. The Spring Equinox is also a time of balance as daylight hours equal nighttime hours.
Beltaine - May eve to 1st May
This great fire festival marked the beginning of the ancient, Celtic summer. Dedicated to Bel, a young sun god, this sabbat sees Bel claiming The Goddess as his lover. Their passion and union bring about lush, fertile growth throughout the lands.​
The Summer Solstice - 20th to 23rd June
This is the longest day of the year. The God and The Goddess are at the peak of their power. The sun is at it's zenith (highest point in the sky). However, from this day, the sun's power will gradually start to weaken as The Wheel turns and points us towards changes yet to happen.
Lughnasadh - 1st August
Dedicated to the God Lugh, a god of light and grain, this fire festival celebrates the first harvest. A sacrifice now has to be made by the Sun King/God for a good harvest the next year: The God is smote down by the crone Goddess so that his blood will fertilise the Earth for the next year's harvest. Originally, this festival was thought of as a funeral feast after the death of Lugh's mother.
Autumn Equinox - 20th to 23rd September
Day and night are equal once again but after this time, the night hours will gradually increase as the days become shorter. This sabbat is the second harvest of fruit and nuts. The God is in The Underworld, after being slain at the grain harvest of Lughnasadh. The Goddess is preparing to join him soon.
Thus, the wheel continues turning round and round in a cyclical way as does the cycle of life that we experience. As is said,
'Hoof and horn
Hoof and horn,
All that dies
Shall be reborn'.
A Few of Our Activities
Herb Lore - magical and medicinal uses. We identify herbs, in the field, for 1st aid, relaxation, health, eating and flavouring etc.
Meditation & visualisation. Spell-work requires both of these + more, for a successful spell.
Be in tune with the moon. Learn about The Goddess with her Maiden, Mother and Crone aspects as symbolised by the three phases of the moon.
It's all in this book by Bill Love, an R.A.F. pilot during W.W.2, who became interested in paganism, magic, mysticism  and all alternative subjects.
Contact Folkestone Coven
Get in touch with Folkestone Coven to learn more about our work and how you can get involved.
Folkestone, UK